Are all models susceptible to dysfunctional cognitions about eating and body image? The moderating role of personality styles.
Kaja Sokola | Sybilla Blasczyk-Schiep | Karolina Fila-Witecka | Miguel Kaze´n
Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, Volume 21, pages 211–220 (2016)

Subclinical eating disorder symptoms and positive vs. negative affect in high school students: the mediating role of self-regulation.
Kaja Sokola | Sybilla Blasczyk-Schiep
Current Issues in Personality Psychology, Volume 7(2), pages 120–131 (2019)
A Contemporary Image of Eating Disorders.
Kaja Funez-Sokola
Psychiatria Po Dyplomie, October 2020
Characteristics of Contemporary Online Relationships.
Kaja Funez-Sokola
Psychologia w praktyce, September 2019
Characteristics of polyunsaturated fatty acids ethyl esters with high alpha- linolenic acid content as a component of biologically active health–promoting supplements.
Sokoła-Wysoczańska E. | Wysoczański T. | Czyż K., Vogt A. | Patkowska-Sokoła B. | Sokoła K. | Bodkowski R. | Wyrostek A. | Roman K.
Przemysł Chemiczny, 93(11), 1923-1927 (2018)

Psychologist and Psychotherapist Workbook – New diagnostic and therapeutic methods as tools for effective practice
Forum Media
Author of the chapters;
Borderline Personality. Therapeutic Alliance in the Treatment of Individuals with Bipolar Disorders – Opportunities and Pitfalls.
Challenges in Diagnosis - Differences between Borderline Personality and Bipolar Disorder.
Differences in Diagnosis and Working with Individuals with Narcissistic and Histrionic Personality.
Eating Disorders in Pregnant Women.
Therapeutic Alliance in the Treatment of Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorders.
Gratitude in Therapeutic Work with Patients with Depressive Personality.
Therapeutic Work with Patients with Depressive Personality.
Working with Maladaptive Cognitive Constructs.
Physiology of Anxiety. Self-Awareness and Self-Consciousness as Examples of Therapeutic Tools.
Specific and Specialized Diets and Their Impact on Mood Swings
Addiction to Aesthetic Medicine in the Context of Psycho-Physical Functioning.
Shopping Addiction – Real Threat or a Notion of Our Times?

School Mental Health Support Systems in Practice
Forum Media
Author of the chapters;
Strategies for Building Self-Confidence and Distance from One's Own Physicality and Media Influences – Educational Workshops for Students.
Dangerous Weight-Loss Diets – Questionnaire for Students to Check Whether They Follow a Balanced Diet.
What Youth Intoxicate Themselves With - Compilation of Over-the-Counter Medications and Alternative Substances to Synthetic Drugs.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Activities that Foster Assertiveness.
How to Cultivate Students' Critical Thinking Skills Regarding Media Influences.